Thursday, December 17, 2009

Greetings....From Geek girl!!

Hi interwebz!! This is Geek girl.........basically, I am a nerd with a camera that likes to play glorified photog! You are invited to come along with me on my adventure as I shutterbug/stalkerazzi stuff and document it on BLOG! Take a ride ,if you shall be chock full of sarcasm, wit, random shinanigans, tomfoolery, hi-jinx and cantankery!! Oh Yes...and AWESOME PIX!!

Stay tuned!!

Thanks for reading!!

~Geek Girl

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Geek Girl FTW!! I'm so excited to see where you go with this! BTW, you reinvent the English language in every conversation we have and I love it (stalkerzzi).
